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Many of you asked us what are favorite places from around the world were. That’s obviously a difficult question to answer because each place was entirely different. Although Dumpty’s list slightly differs from mine, here are my ratings after traveling for 7 months to 8 countries. Let us know if […]

The best countries, beaches, and views from our RTW adventure.

Cappadocia Chimneys
My husband and I quit our jobs to travel around the world for seven months and our first stop was in southern Turkey. Whenever we travel to a new place, be it a new city in the U.S. or visiting a new country, we always ask ourselves whether we could […]

Best of Southern Turkey

The bazaar 4
Visiting the ancient and alleged city of Troy was one of the destinations I was most excited about when we initially planned on traveling to Turkey. As we did more research on Troy, though, it was becoming too out of the way, too little to see as it has unfortunately […]

Ephesus: Visions of Ancient Times and Reminiscing on Hector