A journey has a different meaning for different people. I have many things I hope to gain from this journey – including growing closer with my wife, becoming a better and more compassionate person, and also, importantly, to grow spiritually. Part of our plan is to discover different venues for worship and enlightenment.
In the meantime, while we are still here in New York winding down our affairs, I want to begin preparing myself for the journey. And the recent half marathon is not exactly the type of physical preparation I had in mind. So I signed up for a week of Bikram Yoga classes. I have attended Bikram classes in the past and have found them to be more of a physical endurance test than a spiritually uplifting experience. But that was also due to the fact that I would go once in a blue moon, after a late night, and probably in no mental state to experience a spiritual uplift. So for this upcoming week, beginning today, I will approach the Yoga sessions with a better mindset.
Well, perhaps tomorrow. Because today, it was a pure physical endurance test and I barely passed. My goal for tomorrow – no nose bleeds, and try to do the vast majority of poses..